Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom

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Growing up in Eckankar, I learned to love and view all people as Soul. Why do my parents object to my interracial relationship?


Sometimes parents are pointing out the extra cultural karma that their offspring may inadvertently take on in addition to the personal, family, and other karma that is a part of any love relationship. Their opinion is to be considered carefully, of course, but the final decision is yours.

Everything depends upon the people, time, and place. If those three parts go against what a society accepts as normal, then members of that society will make life rough for the couple.

Let’s draw a picture of an extreme case for you. Consider this: two people of the same sex and of mixed races who expect all the legal rights of a couple of opposite sexes. They would have a lot of problems in many parts of the world today. In a lesser way, a heterosexual couple of mixed races would have more problems in a lot of places than would a similar couple of the same race.

Weigh the odds and do as you please. It all adds to your spiritual unfoldment if you love one another.

(from Youth Ask a Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God, pp. 43–44)

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