As Soul, as a divine light of God, your purpose in this life is to develop love and compassion and all the other divine qualities that make you a better instrument of Divine Spirit.
Where and how do you learn this?
You learn this at home, working things out with your family.
Sri Harold Klemp
When your child asks about God
How will you answer?
Children often have profound spiritual experiences. Like many adults, they look for meaning in life and want to know the cause behind all causes.
The ECK teachings offer spiritual understanding, tools, and insight that can help parents answer their children’s heartfelt questions.
Most important, children will gain a direct connection with Divine Spirit that can support them throughout a lifetime of purpose, joy, and discovery.

The role of the parents is to show the children how to come to the temple within themselves . . . to show them how to work with the sacred names of God and come to this Sound and Light of Divine Spirit.
Sri Harold Klemp
No matter your age, these books are a wonderful reminder of how life is all about divine love.
Grandpa Went Away (PDF)
Davey Learns a Lesson about Karma (PDF)
The Wonder of You (PDF)

A spiritual home for your family
Are you searching for truth beyond your childhood religion and beliefs?
Many parents today are looking for how to give their children a spiritual education.
In Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ, spirituality is more than a Sunday event. It is about how to bring divine love into every moment of life.
Your home can be a temple—a sacred place to support each other spiritually in your journey through life.

Adventures in
ECK Parenting
Parenting is a unique spiritual adventure—a real hero’s journey! Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ presents this warm, inviting website as a place to find inspiration on how to support and raise children in the ECK teachings. Right at your fingertips you’ll find stories, resources, activities, and spiritual exercises you can do with your children!
Visit ECKparents.orgSpiritual Self-Discovery
For Children & Youth
The ECK youth discourses explore the spiritual principles and teachings of ECK and an array of practical topics such as
- connecting to the divine within,
- love for self and others,
- understanding dreams,
- dealing with peer pressure, and
- self-responsibility.
Exploring these monthly lessons together with your child helps bring their spiritual education to life.

Being a parent is the most wonderful experience that stretches me daily. I’ve always wanted to be the best mom I can be, and raising my kids spiritually is part of that. The Spiritual Exercises of ECK help me and my children gain a higher perspective, grow in love, and learn from each other. We are able to see how God is working in every aspect of our lives.CB
How do you make time for your own growth as Soul? The adult ECK discourses offer a portal to self-discovery and personal transformation. Exploring dreams and Soul Travel can reveal unexpected solutions to daily challenges. The Spiritual Exercises of ECK offer a creative contemplative practice to renew yourself spiritually every day.

As Soul, as a divine light of God, your purpose in this life is to develop love and compassion and all the other divine qualities that make you a better instrument of Divine Spirit.
Where and how do you learn this?
You learn this at home, working things out with your family.
Sri Harold Klemp
Find a
Spiritual Community Near You
Many Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ Centers offer dynamic family programs. These can include regional seminars and local children’s classes. Meet like-hearted people who are looking to raise families in a loving and supportive community.