Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming in History
There is an ancient and universal tradition about the true nature of dreams which has lost favor in modern times. This view holds that dreams are of divine origin, that they are a portal to spiritual worlds, and that they bear messages from heaven and prophetic insights.
The Gilgamesh saga of ancient Mesopotamia shows us that dreamers used various techniques to increase the chances that a deity would appear in their dreams. A god might send a dream message to a single priest or a group of dreamers.
The Egyptians were said to believe that dreams were caused by the soul taking out-of-body journeys during sleep. In the Old Testament, God says, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision, I speak with him in a dream.”
In Jacob’s famous dream at Bethel, he saw a ladder reaching up to heaven, with angels ascending and descending upon it. At the top was the Lord. When Jacob awoke from the dream he exclaimed, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.”
The Chinese also believed that the soul could separate from the body during sleep and journey into the spiritual worlds, where it could communicate with the departed, then return to the body with memories of the visit. High Chinese officials were expected to seek divine guidance through their dreams so they would obtain the insights needed for wise political judgment.
In ancient India the soul was also thought to leave the body during sleep and visit other places. Indian texts also state that children dream of impressions from past lives and that old people could dream of the world to come.
The Greeks, such as Homer, believed dreams had a divine origin and that the messages were often direct and readily understood. Like nearly all ancient cultures, the Greeks believed that the soul was able to leave the body at night, take trips into other worlds, and visit with the gods.
The list goes on, but these examples show the widespread belief held by our ancestors in the spiritual nature of dreams.
What Is a Spiritual Dream?
It is one of the greatest losses of modern psychology in its pursuit of scientific foundations that this ancient view was discarded. For spiritual dreams are as prevalent today as they were in ancient times.
Thousands of people are reporting out-of-body journeys in the dream state—journeys to distant locations on earth or to higher spiritual dimensions.
They are reporting prophetic dreams, past-life dreams, telepathic dreams, healing dreams, and dreams of illumination and divine love, guidance, and protection. The dreamers having these kinds of adventures are too numerous to ignore.
The dream teachings of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ define the nature of Soul. You are Soul, a particle of God sent into the worlds (including earth) to gain spiritual experience.
The assumption is made right from the start that spiritual dreams are real, that they are a vital part of life, and that they are an essential and key element in one’s spiritual growth.
The goal is spiritual freedom in this lifetime, after which you become a Co-worker with God, both here and in the next world. Karma and reincarnation are primary beliefs.
Do you want to understand the nature and reality of your dreams? And experience the wondrous potential for love and happiness they can bring into your life? Learn more about spiritual dreams.
Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ, is one of the foremost advocates of spiritual dreaming in the world today.