If you want to learn to Soul Travel, do this technique tonight. Before sleep, shut your eyes and place your attention on the Spiritual Eye. It’s right above and between the eyebrows.
Then sing HU. Fill your heart, mind, and body with warm love.
This feeling of love grants the confidence to venture into some new, unexplored area of your spiritual being. A way to fill yourself with love is to call up a warm, comfy memory, like a child’s hug or a mate’s kiss.
Just so the feeling warms your heart with deep love.
Now, eyes still shut, look into the Spiritual Eye for the holy person who is your ideal, whether Christ or an ECK Master. In a gentle voice say, “I give you permission to take me to the best place for my spiritual good.”
Then chant HU, God, or some other holy word.
Next, see yourself in a familiar place, like a special room in your home. Be assured that the guide who comes is a dear, longstanding friend.
Do this session five or six times over as many days. Record your experiences with this spiritual exercise in your dream notebook or journal.