Past & Present Lives
By Sri Harold Klemp
We are each the sum of all our thoughts, feelings, and actions from this life and every lifetime in the past.
The past is a fascinating study. Even more so is learning of a present condition that saw birth in a past life.
To celebrate their wedding anniversary, a couple took a cruise. A port of call was Mexico. The couple went to see the Mayan ruins at Tulum, took many pictures, and also bathed in the turquoise waters nearby. The cruise was a happy, memorable event.
But it proved to be more than a physical journey.
Soon after their return home, both the woman’s husband and her father became ill with the same problem, congestive heart failure. They were taken to the same hospital, the same floor, and shared the same doctor. An interesting quirk of timing and location.
On top of that, the wife, four months before the cruise, had been brought to that very hospital and saw the same doctor, because she too had a heart problem.
A small world indeed.
The woman who wrote this account to me is a student of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ. She reports that it was an obvious spiritual lesson of sorts. But what?
The Past-Life DreamShe asked the Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ, the Inner Master, for an insight.
Then came a dream. It showed her a past life when she, her husband, even her father, and the doctor were Mayans. On the day of a great festival, crowds of people in bright colors and feathers filled the streets around the temples. The doctor was a high priest. He was at the top of the temple stairs performing human sacrifices. The Mᴀʜᴀɴᴛᴀ spared her the experience of reliving her family’s and her own death.
The dream was clear. The priest who did human sacrifices in those ancient days was now their doctor. His field of service today was to heal hearts, not rip them out.
That’s how the Law of Karma deals with misdeeds.
A bright sidelight to the dream is that she had a healing. She no longer needs to take any heart medication.
The Past-Life LessonMany of our dreams relate to past lives. Once we come to that realization, we can begin to access the experiences that lie hidden within our memory banks.
And, yes, it is possible to bring hard-won lessons from past lives into the present for a better understanding of our situation in life today. The spiritual exercise of the HU song can pull aside the veils that shade your inner vision.
For the spiritual student, it’s all about liberation. It’s about experiencing the freedom, joy, and wisdom of Soul.
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