A woman I’ll call Donna found Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ after her son Justin’s death in a motorcycle accident.
She was very close to her son.
Devastated by her loss, Donna was unable to find comfort at church. She regularly cried through the entire service.
If only there were a way to feel closer to God, then maybe He would help her understand why the accident had occurred. More important, where was Justin now? Was he all right? She constantly prayed for help.
Five months later, while at her lowest ebb, she had an experience that changed her life. At first, she thought it was merely a dream, but it was actually Soul Travel .
Donna awoke in vivid consciousness in the other worlds. A bespectacled woman with grey streaks in her dark hair met her, and they talked for a few minutes. “Do you know my son Justin?” she finally asked the woman.
“Of course I know him,” said the woman. “He lives right over there in that white house.” The scene was a normal setting of cottages, such as near a lake resort.

Donna and Justin had a long conversation. He assured her his health was better than it had been on earth.
Then looking closely at her, he said, “I know what you’re doing to yourself. Please stop. You’re only hurting yourself.”
Before they parted, she asked to hold him in her arms, since she didn’t get a chance to do so before his death. Laughing, he said, “OK, Mom.”
Soul Travel had put her right there with her loved one. She could actually feel him in her arms. Then she awoke.
Justin’s scent still lingered with her, and a peaceful, happy feeling lasted for weeks before it began to fade. Donna was now determined to learn where he was. Somewhere on earth, she knew, somebody had the answer.
That’s when her sister introduced her to Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ. The first book she read was by Paul Twitchell, the modern day founder of Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ. It convinced her that here was the answer to her prayers. Here was an explanation that made sense.
So she does the Spiritual Exercises of ECK daily. And she directs her efforts to seeing the Light and hearing the Sound—keys to the secret worlds of God.
The Search for Truth
Stories like this may inspire one to search for truth and love too, but finding them depends upon doing the right thing. For those in ECK, it is doing the spiritual exercises. They are in the ECK books and discourses and take twenty minutes a day.
Simply a love song to God or a conversation with Divine Spirit, they can help you find a new appreciation for life. Many people develop their own spiritual exercises, once they catch the knack of it from the ECK teachings.
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